Advisory services and estimates

Feel safer in selling and buying with our advice.

Our consultancy services concern anything that has to do with the world of philately. Our expertise derives from the enormous wealth of direct experience we have built up over the years as collectors, publishers, journalists, cataloguists, dealers, auctioneers, and so on.

How to start up a collection (with reference to one's personal tastes and resources). How to expand an existing collection (what to buy and where). How to streamline a collection (what to get rid of ). How to preserve and protect a collection. How to divide up a collection (for passing on as an inheritance). How to caption or gloss a collection with technical and historical details. We deal in this sort of advice every day, as well as offering suggestions to those interested in making a profitable and intelligent capital investment in philately.

We are often called upon to oversee the liquidation of stocks left as legacies or in need of division among heirs, and, above all, we are often asked to carry out prudent divisions prior to the assignment of inheritances. We are also asked to provide expert valuations for the settlement of litigation and disputes, including in court. Raybaudi Experts has been technical advisor to the Court of Rome for over 40 years and advises several banking institutions on the value of their collections.

Our appraisals are concrete and realistic, and we complement them with signed detailed technical reports that are very similar to the sworn statements we give to the courts or to banks.

Our appraisals entail:

A) The meticulous examination of every item of any importance, and then an appraisal of its originality and state of preservation;

B) A verification of the classifications, which is essential for determining value;

C) The appraisal and valuation of every variety, cancellation, colour gradation etc. Also, once the valuation process is complete, we can be of direct practical assistance to our customers for the immediate sale of the collection for cash. If a collection is assigned to us, we reimburse all the costs of appraisal and valuation.